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A large-scale demonstration from the Invest in Our New York campaign.


After successfully raising more than $10 billion in new public funds for our communities, we aim even higher to transform New York into a state where everyone has the support and resources they need to reach their full potential. 


Making millionaires, billionaires, and corporations pay what they owe is a popular policy choice. New Yorkers want and deserve government leaders who will help them make ends meet and fund the public programs and services we all rely on. 


We can raise new public funds and invest in middle, working-class, low-income people, families, and communities.



Join us in this fight. SIGN and SHARE our petition to pass the Invest In Our New York package.

We must continue the fight to raise revenue and fund our future. We must pass new measures including the Heirs Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Wall Street Tax.

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